The present Association is the heir without interruption, of the Association with the same name created voluntarily by the Directors of the Geological and Mining Surveys of Iberoamerica. That Association assumed the tradition of the former Advisory Council of the Geological and Mining Surveys of Latin America and Caribbean.
Two important milestones stand out in ASGMI history:
- The Joint Statement of the Geological Surveys Directors who attended the III Meeting of Latin America Mining Ministry, on May the 21st of 1993 in Cochabamba (Bolivia), that gave rase to the first ASGMI.
- The Ordinary General Assembly Meeting, held in March 2006 in Santa Curz de la Sierra, Bolivia, on the occasion of the Simposium “Geological Mining Surveys: Public Institutions for the Sustainable Development”. In that meeting, the document Santa Cruz Statement, was signed. This document provided the mission an vision of ASGMI.