Expert Group on Mining Environmental Liabilities was created in order to comply with the Santa Cruz Agreements established in the Workshop about Evaluation and Recovery of Mining Environmental Liabilities celebrated in October 2008 in the Training Institute of the Spanish Cooperation Agency settle on Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia.
This workshop was celebrated in the Meeting “Los Servicios Geológicos Nacionales: Instituciones públicas para el desarrollo sustentable” that took place in the same place in March 2006 where the Geological Surveys members of ASGMI declare that:
“They are ready to implement programmes in order to make environmental maps and the characterization of Environmental Mining Liabilites, and propose alternatives for their recovery”.
In the workshop celebrated in 2008 an Expert Group was created in order to develop a handbook to identify the environmental mining liabilities. This handbook was accepted by ASGMI in 2010. However, the Santa Cruz Agreements had the aim of developing the methodology of characterization and evaluation of the hazard / risk of the environmental mining liabilities. For this purpose the following action were proposed:
- The stablishment of an Expert Group with the mission of creating a methodology for the characterization of the hazard / risk of the environmental mining liabilities by making a matrix analysis of the impact caused by the environmental mining liabilities identified before and the probability of occurrence of the potentially damaging phenomenon for the health, goods or environment.
- The Expert Group will have a heart of speakers, in charge of the development of the draft documents about the methodology. The proposal will be analyzed, discussed and aprobed by the Expert Group members.
- The work programme for the development of the proposal of the methodology for the characterization of hazard / risk of environmental mining liabilities had the following milestones:
September 2010.First Draft, developed and agreed by the Expert Group, in order to present the document to all participants of the workshop.
December 2010. Final document with the proposal of methodology in order to give it to all the Geological Surveys members of ASGMI.
March 2011. Final approval of the proposal by the XVII General Ordinary Assembly of ASGMI that would have taken place in Mexico.
The Mission of the Expert Group in environmental mining liabilities is expand upon the Santa Cruz Agreement and develop a common methodology for the characterization of the hazard / risk of environmental mining liabilities from the matrix analysis of the impact caused by the environmental mining liabilities identifies before and the probability of of occurrence of the potentially damaging phenomenon for the health, goods or environment.

Glosario Técnico en Materia de Gestión de Pasivos Ambientales Mineros