The Association of Iberoamerican Geological and Mining Surveys, ASGMI, is a non-profit organization founded on 1993. Since 2012 it has its own legal personality and it is registered in the National Association Registry.
According to its Statutes, belong or could belong to ASGMI, the Geological and Mining Surveys of Iberoamerica, irrespective of their denomination and area of activity, as well as individuals that belong or have belonged to those Geological and Mining Surveys interested in the development of the Association objectives.
ASGMI carries out its activity in the countries of the Geological and Mining Surveys associated. The language for the internal and external communication is Spanish and Portuguese.
Considering that Members of ASGMI are organisations, institutions and individuals with a specialist knowledge in Geology, the vision of the Association is to be an International Organisation able to offer this scientific and technical knowledge in order to give an answer to different areas such as:
- Prevention and mitigation of natural disasters due to active geological process (earthquakes, volcanos, landslade…)
- Rational and sustainable use of mineral resources and underground water.
- Soil and water pollution due to mining activity.
- Adverse effects of climate change due to greenhouse gas emissions.
The main mission of ASGMI is:
- To contribute to the socioeconomic development of society by horizontal, bilateral and multilateral cooperation between its associated members.
- The institutional strengthening of the associated Mining and Geological Surveys.
ASGMI developes different activities in order to:
- Promote scientific, technical and awareness meetings about geology, mining, groundwater, active geological processes, environment and other areas of its competence.
- Promote international cooperation projects both bilateral and multilateral, between its associate members.
- Promote the interexchange of geoscientific information by enchancing accessing to its members databases and libraries.
- Promote the professional development by organizing workshosp, courses and seminars.
- Set up comissions and experts’ groups to develop programs related to the main activities of the Association and its Geological and Mining Surveys.